After fiddling with three different desktop humidors that could never hold steady temperature or humidity levels I switched to using a cooler as my primary cigar storage device last summer. It has done an admirable job but I always hated having to go to the closet and popping the lid just to ogle my sweet, sweet smokes. This week I finally broke down and bought an EdgeStar thermoelectric wine cooler to use for my stogie storage. With its smoked glass door I can now cast longing glances at my cigars whenever I wish and I can rely on the tight seal to keep a steady RH while the heat sink can come to the rescue the handful of times the ambient temperature here in the Pacific Northwest creeps dangerously close to beetle hatching levels.
Now I just need to get this sucker stabilized so I can start filling it up.
Updated to show MTMouse's custom Spanish cedar drawers and shelves.